Wednesday, June 9, 2010


  1. Any man that calls himself THE TRUTH should choose his word carefully before lying to a nation of people. The Liar said the C's would end it all in Boston and they were not going back to Cali and that he can't be defended he is just missing shots. This mutherfucker is dillusional. Artest is covering this man like ugly on Precious. Hey Paul this time around you are not being guarded by Vladimar I don't get paid to play d Radmonivich and Luke Walton. Still think you are the best player on the planet. Eat a dick up until you hickup.
  2. I have a problem with anyone calling a grown ass man Big Baby, so I'm calling that stubby little mutherfucker lil baby. All I am going to say about use is your the same sum bitch that was crying on the bench when your daddy Kevin Garnett was calling you a fat bitch and lazy mutherfucker for making him have to come back into a game when you were up twenty and the shit should have been over.
  3. Jesus Shuttlesworth 0-13 after setting a NBA record with 8 threes the previous game. That is a direct result of dick riding Jordan for no apparent reason. The added weight of Jordan's balls on your chin slowed your ass down while you were coming off those picks and let Fisher catch up with your ass. You are a helluva player and one of the best shooters I have ever seen in my lifetime, so do me a favor leave the Jordan dickriding to Ahmad Rashad, Charles Barkley and everyone not named Romeo Igromo and Bradd Piff.
  4. Ron Artest when you signed on to be a Laker you never knew what kind of pressure goes with putting on the the purple and gold. Last night I saw the fear of God in your eyes when you had the ball in your hands on offense. If your scared just say so it is ok, but stop that fucking right handed bullshit ass globetrotter dribbling routine you do everygame when you don't want to shoot and you are stuck with the ball. That shit would be funny if you were a Celtic, but you are a Laker and you are fucking with my money. I love the poor man Rodman routine you are doing minus the rebounds, but stop that retarded ass dribble and just shoot the fucking ball when you are open.
  5. The old man keeps proving me wrong. D Fish has held his own against Westbrook,Williams,Nash and now Rondo. Fisher is doing his Robert Horry impersonation of not being able to hit the side of a barn doing the regular season and now all of a sudden he can penetrate to the hole as well as hit the longest two point shots known to man. My only criticism of Fisher is can he please look down at the floor before he shoots so that he can make sure his fucking feet are behind the line and not on it. Cry all you want man. Women love a passionate man who can express his feelings without fear of ridicule.
  6. Hey Queen James even when you shot isn't falling there are other things you can do to help your team when. Kb 24 carried the offense through three quarters then his shot stop falling. He turned into Scottie Pippen and did all the little things like 4 blocks, 7 rebounds, 3 steals, and 4 assists and he put pressure on the Celtics D. The difference between Ray Allen and KB 24 is one is a great shooter who can do nothing else when his shot is not falling and the other is a great player who can do it all even when he is not shooting well. Hope you were taking notes Queen James and not coming up with another dance routine for your pre game introduction.
  7. I love the way KG pounds his LIL ROMEO chest muscles and tries to portray himself as a tough guy. You are 7 feet tall 180 pounds and you intimadate mutherfuckers. Either you are a bad sum bitch or it is a lot of don't squeeze the Charmin soft mutherfuckers in the league.
  8. Lamar Odom, Riley said it best when he said pay what you owe mutherfucker. You are letting lil baby out play you and you have him by 6'' inches. Stop having cybersex and sexting the third best Kardashian at night and get your head in the game. We are still waiting for your break out game. You are making Amare look like he was telling the truth when he said you had a lucky game on him. Stop playing like a BAN (BITCH ASS NIGGA) and be aggressive and do my bidding out there on the court.
  9. Gasol ain't so soft now that he has his little brother Andrew Bynum with him. In 08 he had no help so Perkins, Powe, Brown and Garnett bullied him, called him bitches and threatened him with anal rape after hours. You would have been terrified too, but now that he only has to deal with Garnett and he is looking real manly right about now.
  10. Last but not least I'm tired of that lucky charms mutherfucker Nate Robinson. He is a 4 foot 7 inch M.L. CARR with his cheerleading tatics. Get back on that cereal box mutherfucker and let the men play ball. You look stupid as shit sitting on the bench waiving your lil green bib with your legs swinging in the air , because they can't touch the fucking ground.
  11. I'm out like Ray Allen's jump shot.